Les Voiles de Saint Tropez

Episode 1
Folge 1   Season 2013

bis 19:00
  • 20250306183000
VPS 00:00



    Spanning over 15 days, Les Voiles de St Tropez Regatta is the closing event of the summer season in St Tropez and the Riviera as a whole. Over 300 vessels and more than 4,000 sailors unite in Les Voiles de Saint Tropez for a week of racing and festivities, making it a must-go for all nautical enthusiasts.Multiple races take place throughout the duration of the event and there is always something for everyone to do, see and enjoy.
    Boats of a variety of categories including futuristic prototypes, maxi yachts, wally yachts and more will prove their performance among a variety of courses.Sail off to the Mediterranean Sea with Les Voiles de Saint Tropez, exclusively on Nautical Channel.


    6 weitere Sendetermine

    Top-Spielfilm am 06.03.


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    20:15:VOX James Bond 007 - Stirb an einem anderen Tag

    James Bond: Die Another Day, USA / Großbritannien 2002

    VOX, 20:15-23:00 Uhr

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