Liebe braucht keine Ferien (The Holiday)

USA, 2006
bis 06:55
  • Zweikanalton
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • HDTV
  • 20250330043500
VPS 00:00



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ELI WALLACH and KATE WINSLET star in the romantic comedy The Holiday, directed by Nancy Meyers.

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KATE WINSLET and RUFUS SEWELL star as Iris and Jasper in the romantic comedy The Holiday, directed by Nancy Meyers.

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CAMERON DIAZ and JUDE LAW star as Amanda and Graham in the romantic comedy The Holiday, directed by Nancy Meyers.

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ELI WALLACH and KATE WINSLET star in the romantic comedy The Holiday, directed by Nancy Meyers.

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