Wind Masters

Episode 2
Folge 2   Season 2024

bis 16:00
  • 20250402153000
VPS 00:00



    Of Croatia‘s 3,600 miles of glimmering coastline, the most famous stretch is its southernmost region: the Dalmatian Coast, where dramatic limestones cliffs rise from the deep and islands are scattered just offshore. In Wind Masters, our team is set to explore the most popular sailing routes and the most beautiful places in the Croatian part of the Adriatic Sea.
    From the famous city of Dubrovnik, which is the most prominent tourist destination in the Mediterranean, to the beautiful island of Korcula, which will enchant your senses with its ancient history. If Croatia have crept onto your holidays‘ radar, Wind Masters is perfect for you. This series will offer you a complete Croatian experience. Watch it now on Nautical Channel.


    5 weitere Sendetermine

    Top-Spielfilm am 02.04.


    arte 14:00: Die Akte

    14:00:arte Die Akte

    The Pelican Brief, USA 1993

    arte, 14:00-16:25 Uhr

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